Site Notes

These pages are to provide information from my experience including effective tips, guidelines, resources, and tools as well as for presenting knowledge from life long learning resources that I rely upon.
My work here is only just begun. 

Availability Note:
Recently, the number of requests for these pages by friends, invited visitors, and visitors that arrive by chance is exceeding my daily limits (bandwidth).  Presently, I hope that if it happens that you will try again after a few hours.  In the long run, the traffic will level-off and I may choose alternative locations for my pages.  If you become inconvenienced, please accept my apology and my sincerest wish that you will soon get access to the page that you wanted to view.  Let me know if you do experience this or other inconvenient circumstances while browsing my pages.

Browser Notes:
I've used Microsoft FrontPage and the Internet Explorer while designing and creating the pages. FrontPage saves me time and most everyone I know uses the Internet Explorer. Some pages will display differently when a different browser is used. For example, the borders of table cells may not display or the page transitions may not display.  I sometimes make use of background sounds and music.  While I tend to use simple code and I've avoided specific plug-in requirements, this still is not a perfect solution.  Please let me know if something is amiss; I'd love to satisfy everyone if possible. 

Navigation Notes:
If you are using custom color settings, or if your display may be set to use Windows colors, you will be viewing the pages a bit differently from someone else. Normally the difference is negligible. For example, you may see page background colors where someone else will see a white background; or your hyperlinks color may vary.

I've set certain colors in my pages so you shouldn't have problems viewing them properly. My hyperlinks are navy and my text is normally burgundy. Text hyperlinks within my pages will normally be underlined. In a few situations, other colors may be used for clarity. Navy, burgundy and white dominate the presentation. I often use picture backgrounds except where I want a certain color to fill a space or the entire background of a page.

NOTE: You can opt to set background and other colors with your browser software. If you are using the Internet Explorer or Netscape to browse web pages, the settings are accessible using the steps below.

Internet Explorer Colors

  1. Click the Tools menu

  2. Click Internet Options

  3. Using the General tab dialog, click Colors

  4. Make changes but beware that your changes don't render pages difficult to read

Netscape Colors

  1. Click the Edit menu

  2. Click Preferences

  3. Under Category, open Appearance and click Colors

  4. Make changes but beware that your changes don't render pages difficult to read

Site navigation is provided for by buttons at the top of each map page... Main Page, About, Achievements, Qualifications, Tips, and Contact being map pages. The same buttons are located at the bottom of content pages.  The left side of map pages will contain links to detail information.  I use similar navigation or hyperlinks throughout my Web pages.

Generally,  hyperlinks embedded within text will open in a new window only if having the directory page remain open seemed sensible. A few map page links will open in a new window. The content page (Life Long Learning) contains such links to a wide variety of learning resources.

Browser buttons like back or forward should work as usual. I'll place a grid of map page links on pages like this one that are a click or more away from the map page navigation controls. Generally, the grid will be at the bottom of the page.

Design Notes:
In some cases, I'll place related links within a page. As time permits, I'll provide additional resources and hyperlinks and dress the pages up with images.

My intent for these pages was to practice and to learn.  Later I began to discover that I can work with my family as they are learning about basic web publishing.  Recently, I needed to begin a portfolio to give examples of my experience. Thus, the collection, now organized into one content page is a bit eclectic.

Design and presentation on the web was at first difficult because I've started many web sites all for different reasons. The content page ties together several of my content pages along with learning resources into one place.  As I am getting better at this, I've found lots of pages to "fix."  A few still are in use.  Please contact me if you encounter any problems. 

The information in my portfolio section is something that suddenly became a top priority along with my resume, and job searching. The work that I've loved unexpectedly terminated when my company sustained losses and was forced therefore to immediately close all vocational training programs. 

For best results, leave the popup open. The Tripod popup ad normally will not continue to interfere as you navigate. As you browse, it will hopefully remain put... only activating again momentarily when you enter a new page. In some cases, I've coded entry into main pages to avoid popup.  However, I do appreciate the use of free space and some of the ads may in fact be useful for my visitors, so most of the time, opening a site page will initiate a popup or two.

The site map below can be used to continue navigating the site.  You'll find it or a similar map at the bottom of each content page.

Webmaster image


 Site Map


Click the image
  for the 
  life-long learning pages



 Web Sites

 Vocational Training 
 Career Development
 Career Portfolios

Portfolio Main Page - button About Training - button Achievements - button Qualifications - button Tips - button Contact - button

 e_Tutor logo


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Click on the patriotic image to view the memorial to September 11, 2001

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