
I've been privileged to work with some great people in the past. These include extraordinary people with advance degrees and equally extraordinary people with few academic credentials but lots of practical experience. As I pull this into perspective, I'd like to establish a simple list of guidelines.

First, learning evolves. While learning styles may vary, occupational learning will occur in practice of real world work and interaction. Research indicates that adults learn best when they continue to apply new learning to current challenges and with exchange and ongoing feedback with others.

This is how I keep myself on track. I teach myself from the following list.

Vocational training for high productivity work requires continually learning, modernizing and a lots of general experience in the workplace. I like that!

Are these practices supported by either one-shot training or one-time coaching sessions? I think, "no, not really." There is need for real world practice, action oriented coaching and discussion, and effective measures for acceptable varying performance in training models that establish readiness for new work.

Useful performance objectives, realistic expectations, and expert observations come often from working with others. Teamwork is important and I pride myself on working well with my team. Action Learning and Action Research belong together in this thinking, in design, and during implementation in effective training for acceptable performance outcomes.

What Employers Want

Getting Started

I like trainee pre-evaluations.  If my team and I can get useful data about our trainees, we can determine risk, predict successes, and further, customize training for our trainees and for employers.  An effective evaluation tool is useful. For example, using guidelines for clarifying employability in a SCANS model for competitiveness.

Check back at this site for future reference to:

-- skill lists and performance expectations

> Skill Checklist

-- SCANS model


-- Action Learning and Action Research


-- evaluations


-- training models


-- and more...


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